Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Sammie’s Treasures: Episode 1
Step into an interdimensional field that Sammie, the Autist Collective of the 7 higher heavens, and I co-created. Sammie is a non-speaking autist in human form and I, Susan Oros, am her mother. We are on a soul mission. It took me many, many years to see who she is. She is most comfortable at this time to remain in the cosmos as a soul consciousness and I am “the mule” so to speak to bring that vastness into his earthly physical reality. We access the Omniverse and I am the physical human to translate the light language, which streams through in various ways. Sammie and these Autists are complex but their message is simple: “We are here to remind you of your magnificence as soul expressions.” These are the treasures and jewels of autism. By not being fully anchored to their bodies, they have clear access to the undistorted codes streaming in for this next evolutionary phase we have stepped into.
When I drew the matrix from which this podcast is being broadcast, Sammie set the clear intentions:
“1) They will hear and feel my transmissions with clarity and focus.
2) They will listen with their hearts.
3) They will experience non-judgment.
4) They will experience states of non-duality.
5) They will experience the pure tones of Love which comes from the Zero Point Field.
6) These messages and transmissions will assist in shifting their consciousness to the new platform.”—Susan for Sammie
This matrix based on the Zero Point Field contains many symbols for each to draw from. By simply listening to the podcast, you will be in the consciousness stream, which will enable you to expand your awareness. There are also alchemical symbols to assist your physical body to integrate the messages so give yourself time to integrate and allow yourself to only take in what is resonant for you in the moment.
In this first episode, I briefly describe our journey as a family, which brought us to this moment. Our website and all we offer has been deeply inspired by Sammie even when we did not realize that she was doing so.
We also discuss a topic Sammie wanted to bring forward; the appearance of their physical brokenness does not mean they are intellectually broken and equally, it does not mean they are spiritually broken; quite the contrary, they know they are Soul.
Tune in and feel the vast consciousness in this space. Let it speak to your soul.
Check out our other offerings through our website: | You Tube Channel: MoonOrosOne | Facebook Page: MoonOros.One
Also, join us for our free webinar scheduled for June 21, 2019, 9a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Through visually simplified metaphors, I will describe, “where they are from” and why they are here. If you are seeing this after this date, then you can find the recording on our You Tube channel. Subscribe to our website to receive the free webinar link or follow us on Facebook.